Saturday 26 April 2014

Super Salmo Trutta

I’m enjoying my fishing at the moment,  after a dark  winter it's just a pleasure to walk the coast with the prospect of connecting with these fish.

I’ve lost a fish in the exact same spot three times, almost certain it's the same fish , tricky customer that one. In fact that’s been the story of the last couple of trips, they can be slippery at times.

I saw a peach of a fish leap clear of the water last night, one of those ones you might need to think about at 4am when contemplating turning over in bed or pulling on a pair of damp waders. I might just get a few hours in tonight……



Col said...

love the pics Martin !

Martin said...

Thanks Col, not the best quality but when they're lifted from video better than I thought the first time I tried it.