Monday 10 November 2014

A weekend up north

My club hit the shores of Loch Sunart at the weekend with 8 boats travelling up for what is always a fairly social event with average results in terms of the fishing. On Friday afternoon reports started to come in of the first incident where a pre-trip trailer service resulted in 4 nuts being left loose and wheel falling off a trailer at the Bridge of Orchy. This set the tone, I left all my clothes in my car, boat engines failed, rods got broken and someone had suspected food poisoning and passed out behind a toilet door at 1.30am on Sunday. Despite this the guys all stuck at it catching Conger, LSD, Thornback, Pollack, Whiting, Poor Cod, Mackerel and a Skate was hooked but lost. The Spurs were elusive with less than a dozen caught over the weekend despite lots of effort. Gordon caught a fish on Saturday about 12pm which was tagged and caught again 5 miles away on Sunday at 2pm which was a surprisingly quick recapture.

Gordon with a couple of fish
It’s been about 13 years since I first fished Sunart. I took my boat up there and accompanied by another boat we had a great weekend ,there was even a rogue suspected escaped Halibut caught. This style of fishing on that venue is not for me any longer so I don’t see myself returning. About 7 years ago it became much harder to get a result for what is a fair amount of effort, my hearts not in it.

I’ll now be resting up over the next few months till Feb/March as I’m currently nursing a major shoulder problem. Miles on the clock and years of fishing with what is these days a massive amounts of reps casting lures in a session appears to have taken its toll. I have physio and possibly surgery ahead of me; learning to cast left handed is also an option which will require patience I probably don’t  have.



Luremaniac! said...

I was interested in fishing up there during the summer but didnt get the chance.. Did you try with lures for pollock etc? Sad to hear about the poor fishing and your shoulder but at least the weather dont seem too bad!

Martin said...

Hi Dimitrious, the main targets were Spurs over the two days. Don't really know much about the shore fishing but there are one or two rough patches from the boat that would produce them on lures and ragworm. The shore just south of Laga Bay around the crash barrier next to the road might be worth a crack, looks pretty steep close in with some tide. Weather was improving on Saturday and was nice on Sunday, lovely day but it was a long way for that. Cheers regarding the shoulder, will sort that over the winter one way or the other.