The Zander arrived in the UK in the 60's, a few years before I was born.
As far as I'm aware they do not exist in Scotland but thrive in many European rivers and lakes as well as existing in waters south of the border.
I'm thinking about having a crack at them on eithier Rutland or Grafham water before the predator season closes in November. If not there's next year I guess.....
dont forget the rivers severn and warks avon if you fancy fishing for zed's on running water martin.
It's a numbers game on the avon to get through to the better fish, but on the severn there's a realistic chance of fish to record size below worcester
Thanks for that, this year's looking a bit difficult but I could plan a trip down the Severn for next year.
I'm sure you will, managed a couple myself on Rutland. I'll be back down that way next year. Good luck.
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