Monday 28 September 2020

Making the most of the weather

 We had a nice van day on the beach on Saturday, followed by an excellent BBQ as we watched the sun go down.  I guess it was too much to ask that the aurora showed this far south, as it did in some areas of Scotland over the weekend.  We did have a look, but the warmth of the van was way too tempting.  This was the first time I’ve used the Propex gas heating in anger and we were glad to have it. 

Jamie joined me on Sunday morning and after waving goodbye to my wife and dog on the beach, we set off in mirror calm conditions. The sun was low and blinding, the fishing was initially rock hard. There weren’t many signs of life, but I picked up a couple of bass and a little pollack. After suggesting a move Jamie was way out in front and I got on the radio to say I had two bass back to back when trolling, he turned tail and joined me.  Over the next few hours, I picked up bass and pollack on a regular basis. What I found interesting was how the results were much better in terms of how I was able to set the kayak up on the drift. The direction of the breeze meant that I could drift across the direction of flow and cast up tide.  This isn’t always possible, but it made a big difference presenting the lures like this and resulted in over a dozen bass.  

It was nice to pick up a few better pollack as well.
As usual with pollack, there's always the one that gets away.  The fish kelped me but I took my time and held the kayak as stationary as I could and fed it some line. It managed to swim free and just as I was getting it moving again, the hook pulled!
All in, another good days fishing and a weekend with great weather for September. We know this wont last. When there's the odd break in October, I'll be rinsing it any opportunity I get.  The next six months will be tough.

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