Sunday 24 August 2014


There was a rare weather window this morning as well as good tides so I was on the road for 3.45am, ooof! The fish were there and I had a follow on my fourth or fifth cast as the sun came over the eastern horizon.
I could pad events out but it all ended in frustration. I had five offers, two hook ups and got owned not once but twice, once at low tide in weed and then my braid being cut off on barnacles. For it to happen twice in a morning surprised me. I hit the record button at the pause on the first run, this second run against some stiff drag was something else, you can see me thinking about turning a notch up on the drag but I felt it was fine. It’s a great noise braid ripping through the rod rings but better however when it ends in victory.

Owned from Martin A on Vimeo.

A proper fish! In hindsight the fish was heading straight for a pile of submerged rocks in the middle of a small bay, think this lady’s been hooked before and she knew the layout better than me by all accounts. Owned! I cut another 10 seconds off the video as the language wasn’t great. It’s left me thinking about rod choice when fishing a mark like this, first time since I bought my HPR three years ago, maybe I was just unlucky, maybe I was just shite, suppose on this occasion well never know.


Luremaniac! said...

That was definitely a proper fish! Hate when this happens. . Better luck next time!

Martin said...

Elation to despair in a few seconds, never happened to me in the UK while lure fishing, horrible feeling. On the positive side it’s one of those experiences that keeps me motivated, getting out my bed at 2.30am these days is getting harder.