Its not all been catching. I fished through the night a couple of weeks back with nothing to show for it ...sore one. The time flew in for me anyway as fishing lures at night is fairly focused with no distractions. It was a calm night and I could hear fish we just got the presentation wrong.
The weather was nasty across the weekend just past but with it clearing on the Sunday I took my chance and managed to bash some school Bass on SP's. I caught 9 altogether two on a small 2 inch sandeel pattern metal lure and 7 on 4.5 inch Xlayers in Ayu as well as a larger copy of these called a Tsunami which is pictured below. I used these with a 10g jig head on a 2/0 hook.
I had some Sea Trout lastThursday night ... horrific conditions. It rained all night and blew a hooli.I lost 4 fish before I took 4 on the trot which turned it into a very good night. It seems it was too much for my water proof Olympus which is now dead after leaving it my bag over night. Some bad pictures but the conditions were grim. Not really worth taking the XD card to Boots to get the pics.
My Hansen lure is now well and truly battered and seen enough action in the last few months to lose the paint.
I joined Gordon to fish the last day of Sharkatag. It was bumper day for anyone near Whithorn with really bad weather the previous few days the fishing made up for it.
Gordon with one of the 29 Tope we had on the Sunday.

Me with one of the 18 Huss.The minute the Tope took a break these were on the baits.
Huss are prone to holding onto to baits till they get to the boat.This Tope followed a Huss up.It let go of the bait which I then held in the tide, fed it a little line and then nailed this Tope...sweet! Double hook ups and follows were a regular occurance.
Willie seen here with a double shot of Huss, him and Stuart had busy day as well.
This is a proper Tope from Graham caught on the Friday. Its a peach at 63 pounds